The Organisation Transformation Grant (OTG) was a time-limited scheme that supported grounds-up transformation efforts by arts and culture organisations along two tracks, (i) individual organisations to address organisation-specific transformation efforts or (ii) arts and cultural organisations coming together or co-solutioning to address common challenges and issues.
What the Grant Supported
The scope and focus of transformation may involve one or more of the following four pillars of transformation which can involve digital or non-digital related aspects of changes and shifts – Product, Process, People, Systems. Supportable costs included costs associated with the scope of transformation proposed over the duration of the proposed project. Projects that have potential to support the organisation’s/ sector’s sustainability in the long run will be prioritised.
What the Grant Covered
Up to 80% of supportable costs, along two tracks:
i. Organisation-specific transformation projects that will be supported at up to $30,000
ii. Co-solutioning or collaborative projects with transformation efforts that seek to address common challenges and long-standing issues faced by a cluster of arts organisations or a specific community within the arts sector, that will be supported at up to $200,000.