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Terms & Conditions of Busking Audition Participation


By submitting the busking application form, the Applicant(s) agrees to the following Terms and Conditions:

General Terms

1. Applicant(s) must report at the Audition venue(s) no later than his/her scheduled time. Applicant(s) who arrive later than his/her scheduled time for the Audition may be disqualified.

2. All Photography, audio and video recording by the applicant(s) and his/her supporter(s) is not allowed at the Audition. 

3. The National Arts Council (NAC) reserves the right to record all or part of the proceedings of the Audition and related activities for broadcast purposes without payment to the Applicant(s) or the Applicant(s)’ consent. NAC retains all rights to the recorded materials.

4. The National Arts Council and panel’s decision is final and no discussion or correspondence will be entertained.

5. Any Letter of Endorsement (LOE) not collected within 2 months from the date of issue will be made void.

6. You will be liable for and shall indemnify and hold NAC harmless from and against all claims, demands, losses, damages, penalties, expenses and liability of any kind.

Eligibility and Application

7. All Applicant(s) aged 17 years old and below must obtain parental/guardian consent.

8. Any Applicant(s) who knowingly submitted inaccurate or misleading information will be disqualified.

9. Applicant(s) must meet the eligibility criteria as stated in the website.

10. Applicant(s) may possess a maximum of 2 LOEs at any given time. Either 1 individual LOE + 1 group LOE, 2 individual LOEs, or 2 group LOEs.

11. Due to limited Audition slots per cycle, applications are processed on a first-come-first-served basis.

12. Incomplete and late applications will not be processed.


13. Applicant(s) is responsible for watching the Pre-Audition Briefing video sent to all applicants prior to attending the audition.

14. Applicant(s) is responsible for booking his/her own audition timeslot(s) through the form sent by NAC or NAC’s appointed Managing Agency.

15. Applicant(s) is responsible for the provision of all equipment to support his/her busking act (e.g. costumes, materials, instruments, props, equipment etc.) during the Audition.

16. Any electrical equipment used must only be powered by portable batteries.

17. Applicant(s) must perform live during the Audition.

18. All singing acts must be supported by live music accompaniment, with the exception of group acapella acts.

19. The Audition and busking act must not, in NAC's sole opinion be:

a. offensive or obscene in nature;

b. derogatory to or defamatory of any third party; or

c. disreputable to or prejudice NAC in any way whatsoever, or be construed to:

i. advocate or lobby for lifestyles seen as objectionable by the general public;

ii. denigrate or debase a person, group or class of individuals on the basis of race or religion, or serve to create conflict or misunderstanding in our multicultural and multi-religious society;

iii. undermine the authority or legitimacy of the government and public institutions, or threaten the nation’s security or stability;

iv. have a political or religious agenda or proselytise any particular faith, save in accordance with the law.

20. Applicant(s) must obtain, at the Applicant(s) cost, all necessary licenses, permits and approvals for the use of any materials (dangerous or otherwise), equipment, props, and/or intellectual property during the busking act.

21. In case of any dispute, the National Arts Council’s decision, or that of the Panel acting on the National Arts Council’s behalf, shall be final and no discussion or correspondence will be entertained.

22. NAC shall not be responsible for any loss, damage to property, physical illness, injury or death encountered as part of or otherwise arising from the Audition or busking act, unless caused by our gross negligence.

NAC reserves the right to revise the Terms and Conditions at any time, at its sole discretion.