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Our Council Members

Ms Goh Swee Chen

Ms Goh Swee Chen
Nanyang Technological University Board of Trustees

Mr Low Eng Teong

Mr Low Eng Teong
Chief Executive Officer
National Arts Council

Mrs Beatrice Chia-Richmond

Mrs Beatrice Chia-Richmond
Creative Director
Presplay Pte Ltd

Mr Warren Fernandez

Mr Warren Fernandez
Senior Fellow
Executive Deputy Chairman’s Office
S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies

Director, Industry Engagement
College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences 
Nanyang Technological University

Ms Goh Geok Cheng

Ms Goh Geok Cheng
Non-Executive Director and Risk Committee Chair
HSBC Life Singapore Pte Ltd

Professor Liow Chinyong Joseph

Professor Liow Chinyong Joseph
Dean, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Nanyang Technological University

Mr Derek Loh

Mr Derek Loh
TSMP Law Corporation 

Mdm Eugenia Tan Yunchin

Mdm Eugenia Tan Yunchin
Divisional Director, Student Development Curriculum
Ministry of Education 

Ms Karen Teo

Ms Karen Teo
Vice President, APAC Platforms and Devices Partnerships

Ms Thien Kwee Eng

Ms Thien Kwee Eng
Chief Executive Officer
Sentosa Development Corporation

Mr Bernard Toh

Mr Bernard Toh
Assistant Chief Executive Officer

Digital Strategy Office
Ministry of Digital Development and Information of Singapore

Mr Christopher Wong

Mr Christopher Wong
Head and Partner, Assurance 
Ernst & Young LLP


Dr Wong Tien Hua

Dr Wong Tien Hua
Mutual Healthcare Pte Ltd

Mr Wahab Yusoff

Mr Wahab Yusoff
Founding Partner / Acting CEO
Rekanext Capital Partners Pte Ltd

NAC Senior Management Organisation Chart

NAC SMM Org chart_From 01 March 2025

Access & Community Engagement

We aim to bring the arts to where people live, work and play. Through strategic partnerships, we connect communities and create opportunities for all to access the arts through meaningful experiences that can strengthen social networks and enhance well-being. 


Cultural Matching Fund

We administer MCCY’s Cultural Matching Fund (CMF) by giving dollar-for-dollar matching grants, to encourage private cash donations to registered charities in the arts and heritage sector.


Data & Research

We lead the growth of the arts and culture research and data ecosystem in Singapore. We commission research, implement robust data practices and leverage data analytics to inform national arts and culture policy and programme development. We enhance the research capabilities of the arts and culture sector by fostering collaborations between Government, academia, cultural institutions and arts practitioners.


Education & Manpower Development

We develop policies and programmes to bring quality arts learning experiences to all students in schools as well as to address manpower challenges and to support career pathways, with the aim of nurturing a skilled and future-ready arts workforce with a strong talent core. Through the Arts Resource Hub (ARH), we provide dedicated support to Self-Employed Persons (SEPs) in growing their practice, building professionalism and facilitating resourcefulness. 



We provide financial insights for NAC's organisational strategies and implement policies and procedures for NAC's finance and accounting activities.


Infrastructure Planning & Development

We develop arts infrastructure frameworks in partnership with key government agencies to diversify spaces for the arts in Singapore and work with venue owners to integrate the arts into the Civic District and Bras Basah Bugis precincts.


Incentive Policy

We develop funding policies, streamline processes, and optimise resource allocation for incentives such as grants, partnerships, and commissions. Through policy development and championing good governance measures, we aim to maximize the impact and effectiveness of NAC’s funding to the arts ecosystem.


Internal Audit

We add value by providing  independent and objective consulting activities to various stakeholders. It helps NAC accomplish its objectives by adopting a systematic, disciplined approach in evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.



We advise on legal, legal policy and statutory matters, including contracts, intellectual property and technology law.


Literary Arts

We champion the growth and development of Singapore’s Literary Arts sector in the four official languages – English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil – through a diverse range of grant schemes that support the publication and presentation of works, capability development for literary arts professionals, market and audience development, and research. We partner with intermediaries and cultural institutions, e.g. Arts House Limited (organiser of our pinnacle festival, the annual Singapore Writers Festival), and key literary arts intermediaries, the Singapore Book Council and Sing Lit Station, to achieve NAC's strategic outcomes. Our collaborations with other Government agencies (e.g. NLB) support a vibrant literary arts ecosystem, and increase the public’s mindshare for the literary arts. With local and international industry partners, we actively seek opportunities to enter new markets and reach new audiences.


Marketing & Audience Development 

We develop, implement, and manage integrated marketing campaigns to showcase our efforts in championing arts creation, appreciation, and consumption. Our focus on audience development ensures that we create strategies for meaningful arts experiences that resonate with diverse audiences. We spearhead the development and management of Catch, Singapore's largest arts and culture discovery platform that offers personalised experience for every user, with the support of key stakeholders in the arts and culture scene.


Performing Arts

We champion the growth and development of Singapore’s Performing Arts sector, covering Music, Dance, Theatre and Traditional Arts. We support the arts ecosystem through a diverse range of grant schemes that support the production and presentation of works, capability development of individuals and companies, market and audience development, and research. We work with partners such as our artists, arts groups, and cultural institutions to achieve NAC’s strategic outcomes. Our collaborations with other Government agencies, as well as local and international industry partners, help to grow new markets and reach new audiences.


People & Culture

We look into the People & Culture strategy, including talent attraction, development, engagement and retention practices and policies, to support organisation transformation and excellence.


Policy & Planning

We develop robust arts and culture policies to nurture Singapore’s arts ecosystem, engage in organisational development and performance management work to strengthen NAC’s internal processes and position Singapore arts globally through international exchanges, collaborations, market development initiatives and showcases.


Strategic Communications

We oversee and manage public relations, communications, and media relations, to ensure that NAC’s key messages of our strategies, policies and decisions are well communicated to our stakeholders. We provide strategic counsel and guidance on all PR and media-related matters in support of projects and initiatives, and to raise awareness of NAC’s impact, successes, and results. 


Strategic Partnerships & Engagement

We support NAC’s strategic thrusts in driving a Creative Economy, a Connected Society and a Distinctive City through establishing successful People, Public, and Private (PPP) Partnerships. Our teams are focus on developing cross-sectoral collaborations, initiatives and opportunities with like-minded corporate organizations, public agencies and art communities both at home and abroad.


Technology & Innovation

We support the exploration and exploitation of technology in enabling new artistic and business opportunities in the sector, and continuous innovation to push the boundaries of artistic expression to develop new audiences. We drive sector transformation by helping artists and arts companies digitalise and adopt digital tools to improve organisation efficiency, enhance service delivery and explore new ways of revenue generation. We leverage technology partnerships and networks, and work with NAC departments and sector stakeholders to (i) enable a digitally mature organisation, and (ii) develop a digitally confident arts and culture sector. 


Visual Arts

We champion the growth and development of Singapore’s Visual Arts sector which encompasses a wide spectrum of artistic expressions and interactions and multiple players from individual artists, curators, cultural institutions as well as non-profit and for-profit organisations.  This is done through a comprehensive range of grant schemes that support the creation and presentation of exhibitions, capability development for visual arts practitioners and organisations, market and audience development and research. The Visual Arts division organises the annual Singapore Art Week, which is the pinnacle visual arts festival in the region as well as advocate for public art and best practices through the Public Art Trust.  We hope that through our collaboration with a diverse and vibrant visual arts ecosystem, we increase the public’s mindshare for the visual arts.  



We design and craft work spaces, and provide tools that support collaboration, comfort and creativity to enhance employee engagement and sense of belonging.