Arts infrastructure is a key enabler of the arts scene and NAC has been working to unlock more spaces for the arts, including with other government agencies. To provide arts spaces for practitioners to experiment, innovate and create, NAC is working with the Singapore Land Authority to pilot arts sandboxes at 52 - 56 Kampong Java, where artists can have a conducive place to focus on their creative process.
The site at Kampong Java consists of 5 double-storey units in total, each about 2,900sqf comprising 4-5 rooms per unit, with an outdoor courtyard in front.
In 2022, NAC organised four site-visits over two days (15 and 16 September) for the arts community to get a first-hand feel of the location. Thereafter, three focus group discussions (on 21, 22 September and 4 October) were organised to seek ideas and views from the arts community on how the site could meet the objectives of experimentation and test-bedding.
For a summary of findings from the focus group discussions, please click here.
Do refer to this space for further updates.
Updated as of 26 June 2024.