Population Survey on the Arts 2024
The National Arts Council (NAC) is actively seeking feedback from residents in Singapore in order to improve the way we bring arts and culture-related activities closer to where you live, work and play. As part of this ongoing initiative, NAC has commissioned Verian, an independent market research firm, to conduct face-to-face interviews for the Population Survey on the Arts 2024 in the period of January to March 2025, between 10am to 9pm daily. This survey requires approximately 20 minutes to complete, and the survey findings will help NAC to understand how Singaporeans engage in arts and culture in Singapore.
For enquiries about the administration of the research, please contact:
Tel: 97639137
Monday to Friday (9.00am to 6.30pm)
For verification, please contact:
Ms Wendy Tan
National Arts Council (Data & Research)
Email: wendy_tan@nac.gov.sg
Arts Manpower Demand Study For The Care Sector
The National Arts Council (NAC) is conducting a study on the demand for arts manpower for the Care Economy in Singapore. This study seeks to identify arts manpower and skills gaps, as well as job demands in the intersection of the Arts and Care sectors, particularly in the areas of healthcare, wellness, community care, and social services.
As the NAC embarks on Our SG Arts Plan (2023-2027), unlocking opportunities to develop the capabilities of our artists is key to a Connected Society. The Care Economy is a sector poised for growth in which artists can potentially apply their skills and learn new ones. Hence, NAC would like to invite our valued partners, art practitioners and organisations in the Care Economy to share your views on how the arts can contribute substantially to the growth of this sector.
Research and consultancy agency, Verian, has been commissioned to carry out this exercise between March and July 2025. They will be engaging stakeholders through one-to-one discussions on topics related to growth areas and opportunities for the arts/arts practitioners within your sector, challenges in growing the pie for the arts in the care space, and micro- and macro-environment changes you anticipate in future.
For enquiries about the administration of the research, you may reach Verian via this email:
For verification, please contact:
Mr Nicholas Tse
National Arts Council (Manpower Development)
Email: nicholas_tse@nac.gov.sg
Mr Gaius Lee
National Arts Council (Manpower Development)
Email: gaius_lee@nac.gov.sg
Industry and Revenue Model Studies
(Visual Arts and Literary Arts)
The National Arts Council (NAC) has appointed Ipsos Pte Ltd, an independent research company to conduct a study aimed at understanding the industry and business revenue models for the Visual Arts and Literary Arts Sector. Fieldwork will be carried out from September 2023 to December 2024 in the form of in-depth interviews, surveys and focus group discussions as part of a mixed-methods approach to the study. The main objective of the study is to identify priority areas of the local arts ecosystems and research findings will help NAC to develop innovative approaches for greater financial viability and sustainability through the recommendation of viable and scalable revenue models.
For enquiries about the administration of fieldwork, please contact:
Stella Tan
Email: Stella.Tan@ipsos.com
Contact: 6333 1511
For verification, please contact:
Iris Lee
NAC (Data & Research)
Email: iris_LEE@nac.gov.sg
For art-form specific enquiries, please contact:
Christian Fong
NAC (Visual Arts)
Email: Christian_FONG@nac.gov.sg
Lo Hwei Shan
NAC (Literary Arts)
Email: LO_Hwei_Shan@nac.gov.sg