In response to the social distancing measures and the implementation of Home-based learning for schools, NAC-AEP providers have started exploring digital modes of engagement when delivering arts education programmes to schools. In 2020, NAC commissioned National Institute of Education (NIE) to deliver the Inspiring Digital Learning for the Arts webinar Series to support NAC-AEP providers in their journey of delivering effective and impactful digital/blended lessons.
As part of the commission, NIE developed a series of video presentations curated to offer a diverse range of topics about eLearning approaches in the Arts. The series of video presentations demonstrate how successful applications of eLearning in the Arts can look like and be inspirations to NAC-AEP providers’ eLearning creation journey. They cover a range of art forms, (Dance, Drama, Literary Arts, Music and Visual Art) and offer insights into relevant topics, including useful eLearning apps and schools’ perspectives on eLearning. The two webinars that took place on 8 and 10 December 2020 were also recorded for NAC-AEP providers who could not attend the webinars.
These video resources have been made available for free access here at https://classroom.google.com/c/Nzk3MDEwNDkzMjda?cjc=s4blobw. Do note that a Gmail or Google Account is required to access the Google Classroom link.
Should you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us at NAC_AEP@nac.gov.sg.