Bringing local poetry to your daily commute
Poems on the MRT is an initiative by the National Arts Council, in partnership with SMRT Trains and Stellar Ace. Produced by Sing Lit Station, a local literary non-profit organisation, this collaboration displays excerpts of Singapore poetry throughout SMRT’s train network, bringing Sing Lit to the daily commute. From 1 November 2024 to 30 October 2025, look out for poems in English, Chinese, Malay, and Tamil in trains on the East-West, North-South, and Circle Lines, as well as videos created by local artists and featuring local poets in stations and on trains.
Your opinion matters!
If you've read the poems or seen them on the trains, we'd love to hear your thoughts! Please go to and complete a short survey. It'll take a few minutes and help us bring exciting literary experiences to you!

Seen the poems on the trains and want to read more? Curious to explore over a hundred Sing Lit poems? You can find all poems and English translations linked below. Happy reading!

温柔的城市 A Gentle City by 语凡 (Yu Fan) | 书香 Book Fragrance by 邹璐 (Zou Lu) | 云 Clouds by 刘瑞金 (Henry Low Swee Kim) |
醉 Drunk by 黃文傑 (Wang Mun Kiat) | 对角戏 Duologue by 贺尔 (He Er) | 青木恋人 Lover of Verdant Trees by 欧筱佩 (Aw Seow Pooi) |
莫兰迪色系 Morandi Hues by 伍政玮 (Ng Zhengwei) | 夜调 Nocturne by 孤星子 (Ang Lai Sheng) | 安静不因我们离去更安静 Silence that is no more silent by 潘正镭 (Pan Cheng Lui) |
慢 Slowly by 梁文福 (Dr Liang Wern Fook) | 彩窗 Stained Glass Window by 林得楠 (Denon Lim Denan) | 石头 Stone by 英培安 (Yeng Pway Ngon) |
走进图书馆的树:前身是树,今生是书本 The Tree at the Library Entrance by 王润华 (Prof Wong Yoon Wah) | 二老走植物园 Two Elders Stroll in the Botanic Gardens by 林高 (Lin Gao) | 伞内·伞外 Within/ Without by 淡莹 (Dan Ying) |

Sebutir Pasir A Grain Of Sand by Dr Hadijah Rahmat | Membelah Budi A Severed Mind by Abdul Ghani Hamid | Lebih Baik Sendiri Better Alone by Sofia Nin |
Di Hujung Tumit Sendiri Edge of One’s Heel by R. Azmann A. Rahman | Bunga Lalang Lalang Flower by Isa Kamari | Warkah Untuk Seorang Isteri (Buat Su) Letter To My Wife (For Su) by Yatiman Yusof |
Cinta adalah Makrifat Love is a Blessing by Djamal Tukimin | Bicaraku Dengan Sang Rumput My Conversation With The Grass by Wan Jumaiah bte Mohd Jubri | Rayuan Asmara Pleas of Romance by Muhammad Ariff Ahmad (MAS) |
Pelangi Rainbow by Mohamed Latiff Mohamed | Melayah Tabah Ke Mercu Jaya Sailing Steadfastly to the Pinnacle of Success by Nordita Taib | Selat Tebrau Tebrau Straits by Juffri Supa’at |
Ini Nasi Yang Ku Suap This Rice I Eat by Masuri S.N | Menuju Pantai Bahagia Towards the Shore of Happiness by Suratman Markasan | Tuk, Tuk, Tuk by Farihan Bahron |

அழகு Beauty by மு.அ.மசூது (A.R. Mashuthoo) | பாடம் Lesson by லதா (Latha) | முதுமையின் அரவணைப்பில் Life's Journey by சுலோசனா கார்த்திகேசு (Sulosana Karthigasu) |
பார்வை Look by ஷிவ்ராம் கோபிநாத் (Shivram Gopinath) | ஞாபகத் தடங்கள் Memory Lanes by எம். சேகர் (M. Segar) | போகப் போக புதியன காணல் New Meanings by வை.சுதர்மன் (V. Sutherman) |
சன்னலில் வெளியே அமர்ந்திருந்த கவிதை Poem Outside My Window by சித்துராஜ் பொன்ராஜ் (Sithuraj Ponraj) | அன்பருக்குக் கவிதை Poetry's Charm by சிவமாலா (Sivamala) | நரை வெளிச்சம் Twilight by க.து.மு. இக்பால் (KTM Iqbal) |
Step 1:
Download the digital bingo card available here and save the file on your phone.
Step 2:
From 1 Nov - 20 Feb 2025 (deadline extended!), take the trains on the East-West, North-South, and Circle lines to spot excerpts of Sing Lit poetry on the train.
Step 3:
Take at least three unique photos of panels on the train that feature Sing Lit poetry.
Step 4:
If you can't find any more, fill out the rest of your card with poems from our campaign website here to complete bingo.
Please note that to complete bingo, you will need one full line completed either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, that includes 1-3 unique images of featured train panels. If you complete bingo using all 4-5 images from the train, you get a shot at winning the top prize!
Step 5:
Once you've completed bingo, submit your photos & the completed bingo card through this form.
Good luck!
To win, submit 1 x completed bingo card using only images of the train panels to achieve bingo. All images must be submitted to qualify.
To win, submit 1 x completed bingo card and achieve bingo using at least 1-3 train panels and complete the rest with screenshots from our campaign website. Your submission must include at least 3 images of unique train panels. All images must be submitted to qualify.