Traverse through a metaverse, online viewing rooms, microsites and discover art experiences that feeds your creative curiosity.
Process: Roving Ideas is a self-guided discovery artistic experience taking place all over Singapore, inviting audience to carry out site-specific instructions contributed by participating artists.
The Art of Creative Research is an exhibition featuring fifteen academic staff from six influential Universities in the fields of art and design and art education.
Wallflowers | Somerset is an interactive project highlighting the hidden sights and sounds around Somerset through the eyes of everyday Singaporeans.
dingdongbeep! is a mobile music room with toy instruments and art for observation and play.
Take it all in with digital artworks, virtual tours, films, video series profiling artistic legacies—we've got you covered.
What will you notice, if you slow down to appreciate the little moments? The Wallflowers 'Video Series' treats viewers to intimate close-ups of everyday life — the smiles of a friendly neighbour, the morning bustle at the neighbourhood market, the rowdine
There is more that lies beyond sight—dive into the insights behind an artist's practice.