In the near future, Earth’s environment has been depleted due to the greed of mankind. The fight for resources results in global nuclear destruction. Forced to escape, the remaining humans search for a new home, but inevitably find themselves returning to Earth as different life forms through the millennia. An experiment that explores the concept of Embodied Cognition through virtual reality and interactivity, Samsara allows audiences to see through different perspectives, promoting empathy and a new understanding of our collective existence on Earth. Awards/Festivals: - Selected for the 78th Venice VR Film Festival - 2021 SXSW Jury Award - 2021 Cannes XR Best VR Story
This programme is a part of Marina Bay Sands' art festival Where Art Takes Shape.
Artists:Hsin-Chien Huang
Curators: Rachel Wong, Jerome Chee
Image credits: Hsin-Chien Huang