fated love sky

fated love sky

14 – 23 January 2022
Gillman Barracks, 6 Lock Road #02-09 (go to Google maps)
Tue - Sun: 12 PM - 7 PM
Fri: 12 PM - 9 PM
Free Admission

fated love sky

Fated love sky is a curatorial performance exhibition that locates joy in the act of addressing attachments. The body of works assemble realities around representations of identity, communality, pleasure and collective histories.

The exhibition presents ideas of space ownership, cultural magnitudes, care and synthesis through films, objects and site-specific installations created by six artists.

List of Artists: Diana Rahim, Divaagar, Jaya Khidir, Mysara Aljaru, Nelly Tan and Farizi Noorfauzi.

Exhibition Adivsory (Some Mature Content)
9 Lock Road #02-23 Gillman Barracks S108937
14 January – 5 February 2022
This new body of dreamy, introspective and intimate paintings reflect Alvin Ong’s continued interest in the physicality of the body, as well as how human experiences of inhabitation are being reshaped in the current moment.